NCAA Heat Stress Guidelines

From 1974 to1993, the NCAA used a heat stress guideline system to try to avoid heat injuries in long-distance running events. These guidelines used WBGT limits that varied by event, with lower thresholds for longer races.

The Injury Risk Guidelines (which were designed to minimize risk of injury, without optimizing performance), that  triggered event postponement are WBGT's as follows:

1500 m - 92.8°F

3000m - 88.5°F

5000 m - 84.6°F

10,000 m - 81.5°F.

The Performance Guidelines (designed to allow for optimal athlete performance), which triggered event postponement, are WBGT's as follows:

1500 m - 84.6°F

3000 m - 80.6°F

5000 m - 77°F

10,000 m - 73.6°F