
All of these equations are based on measurements in °F. The equations have been tested and they work perfectly. To utilize an equation, copy and paste it into a text editor such as Microsoft Notepad, which comes with every version of Windows. Make sure that Format>Word Wrap is not active. Next, copy the equation (Edit>Select All>Edit>Copy) from the text editor and paste into a spreadsheet program such as Microsoft Excel. Finally, in the spreadsheet use Edit>Replace to replace the temperature or humidity names, such as DB or WB, with the cell names for the cells that contain the actual measurements, such as A1 or C3. All equations were tested using this method, and they worked perfectly.


To convert Dry Bulb temperature (DB) and Wet Bulb temperature (WB) measured with
a sling psychrometer into WBGT:


This equation is based on unpublished data generated by the author.


Relative Humidity (RH) based on Dry Bulb (DB) and Wet Bulb (WB) Temperatures:

RH= 100 * ((Exp(((16.78 * ((WB - 32) * 5 / 9)) - 116.9) / (((WB - 32) * 5 / 9) + 237.3))) - ((101.325) * (((DB - 32) * 5 / 9) - ((WB - 32) * 5 / 9)) * ((0.00066) * (1 + (0.00115 * ((WB - 32) * 5 / 9)))))) / (Exp(((16.78 * ((DB - 32) * 5 / 9)) - 116.9) / (((DB - 32) * 5 / 9) + 237.3)))


Equations describing Kulka and Kenney's criteria are as follows:

Maximum compensable Relative Humidity (RH) for a given Dry Bulb temperature (DB):

Full Uniform:
RH =

For Full Uniform except for short instead of padded pants:
RH =

For T-shirt and shorts:


This equation was derived from the author's own data, with publication as listed
in the References section.

WBGT = Estimated Playing Field Wet Bulb Globe Temperature, HI = Heat Index at a
nearby airport.


Accuracy for this equation is ± 2°F (that is, 1 Standard deviation = 2°F). Unfortunately, this equation is only accurate within a fairly narrow temperature range, and should not be in general use. The Airport Data-based calculators using Relative Humidity or Dew Point Temperature are much more reliable. If for some reason you want to use the Airport Heat Index to WBGT Calculator in spite of these shortcomings, here is the link.


This is the equation for conversion of Dry Bulb Temp (T) in °F and Relative Humidity (RH) as a whole number (that is, RH=76, not RH=76%) into Wet Bulb Temperature (WB) in °F, including a correction factor to bring the calculation result into very close agreement with standard calculators:



This is the equation for conversion of Dry Bulb Temp (T) in °F and Dew Point Temp
(DP) in °F to Wet Bulb Temp in °F:

WB= ((((((((0.00066 * 101.3) * ((DB - 32) * 5 / 9)) + (((4098 * (0.6108 * (2.7182 ^ ((17.27 * ((DP - 32) * 5 / 9)) / (((DP - 32) * 5 / 9) + 237.3))))) / ((((DP - 32) * 5 / 9) + 237.3) ^ 2)) * ((DP - 32) * 5 / 9))) / ((0.00066 * 101.3) + ((4098 * (0.6108 * (2.7182 ^ ((17.27 * ((DP - 32) * 5 / 9)) / (((DP - 32) * 5 / 9) + 237.3))))) / ((((DP - 32) * 5 / 9) + 237.3) ^ 2))))) - ((0.0819 * (((DB - 32) * 5 / 9) - ((DP - 32) * 5 / 9))) - 0.5718)) * 1.8) + 32)

This equation result is adjusted using a difference matrix procedure, and provides WB results that are in very close agreement with standard calculators. (Details available upon request.)


The US NWS Heat Index (HI) is based on a table constructed by Steadman and
published in 1979. It is only intended to be used at Dry Bulb temperatures above
70°F, and the equation listed below defaults to Dry Bulb temperature=Heat Index for temperatures below 70°F. After many requests, the NWS published an equation that describes this table. This equation works best at Dry Bulb temperatures above 80°F. DB = Dry Bulb temp in °F, RH = Relative Humidity (e.g., RH = 64% would be 64).

Heat Index=IF(DB<70,DB,16.923+((1.85212*10^-1)*DB)+(5.37941*RH)-((1.00254*10^-1)*DB*RH)+((9.41695*10^-3)*DB^2)+((7.28898*10^-3)*RH^2)+((3.45372*10^-4)*DB^2*RH)-((8.14971*10^-4)*DB*RH^2)+((1.02102*10^-5)*DB^2*RH^2)-((3.8646*10^-5)*DB^3)+((2.91583*10^-5)*RH^3)+((1.42721*10^-6)*DB^3*RH)+((1.97483*10^-7)*DB*RH^3)-((2.18429*10^-8)*DB^3*RH^2)+((8.43296*10^-10)*DB^2*RH^3)-((4.81975*10^-11)*DB^3*RH^3))

Here is the link to a NWS Heat Index Calculator.

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